Welcome to the online portfolio of Joni Massengale
As a graphic artist for over 20 years, I've witnessed a lot of changes in the industry. When I began everything was literally "cut and paste". It was a tremendous leap in technology when copy machines were able to enlarge and reduce line art well enough to be used in newspaper advertising. Things have come a long way since then, and I have embraced each advancement whole-heartedly.
Because of my beginnings, I've had the opportunity to weigh each new bit of technology as it relates to the production of good art. Today it is important to choose a candidate not just for the software knowledge he or she posesses, but by the quality of the artwork being produced. Technology has enabled an artist to say "I can do that!" The question still remains, "Should I?"
A core understanding of what makes one piece of artwork superior to another is vital. Equally important is an underlying knowledge that goes into creating today's software. While "drag and drop" technology has made it easier than ever to be creative, the abiltiy to also understand the cause and effect of what's happening behind the scenes is an intregal part of qualtity commercial art.
Although this is just a sampling of the work I've done, it is my hope that you will find the pages of this portfolio helpful in understanding how I go about creating the ideal piece of art for your needs.